The East London Tour: Canary Wharf

0 out of 5 stars


41 mins

1.9 km

By Camilo Castaneda

A short but sweet tour of the banking district for East London. We cover the Isle of Dogs borough where some of the most important banks in the world live. Canary Wharf is packed with action and endless views. It’s great for night and day adventures and a very photogenic area! Stop reading this and let’s get to it!!

9 stops

41 mins

1.9 km

Isle Of Dogs

East London

Canary Wharf

South East London

Banking District

Modern Architecture

West India Quay

Heron Quays

  • 1
    West India Quay
    West India docks have been here for over 200 years. But due to innovations, no more trade is done
  • 2
    Cabot Square
    A very photogenic fountain located at the entrance to Canary Wharf
  • 3
    Reuter’s Plaza
    The place to be to enjoy the dynamic Canary Wharf. There is even an electronic Info board!
  • 4
    South Quay Footbridge
    The S shaped bridge connects the South Quay to Heron Quays
  • 5
    Jubilee Park
    A lovely pathway to a park with a fountain and beautiful scenery.
  • 6
    Montgomery Square
    This Square holds year round events. This picture grabs a volleyball event that occurred one day
  • 7
    Canada Square
    The place where it’s at for entertainment!
  • 8
    Crossrail Place
    A bubbly building that holds a roof garden and restaurants !
  • 9
    One Canada Square
    A full frame shopping centre with a clean atmosphere and plenty to see


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The East London Tour: Canary Wharf

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