Quorn - Exploring Meeting Street of Yesterday

5 out of 5 stars


30 mins

0.5 km

By Sue Templeman

Meeting Street in Quorn is a fascinating and picturesque road, which once had everything, from gentry to paupers, pubs to chapels and farms to industry. On our walk we’re going to rediscover long gone buildings and find out what went on in others that are now just houses. So download this tour and prepare to lose yourself in the bustling Meeting Street community of yesteryear!

11 stops

30 mins

0.5 km

Quorn Quorndon Farnham

  • 1
    Royal Oak by the Meeting Street sign
    Meeting Street starts at Quorn Cross - let’s find out why this area is so important.
  • 2
    Outside 27 Meeting Street
    So what secret does a garden wall hold? Listen and find out!
  • 3
    Entrance to Blacksmith’s car park
    What is the history behind one of the prettiest street scenes in Quorn?
  • 4
    Crown House
    Crown House was once another pub. And why is that window across the road blocked up?
  • 5
    Corner of Sanders Road
    Meeting Street really is full of surprises. Let’s turn the clock back 200 years.
  • 6
    Opposite Quorn House Lodge
    So who were the Farnham family of Quorn House? And why did they leave Quorn after 750 years?
  • 7
    83 Meeting Street, old Methodist Chapel
    Some ordinary houses today - but things were very different in Victorian times.
  • 8
    Corner of Meeting Street and Spinney Drive
    Find out what the Scout Hut has been used for over the years, and what else we can see from here.
  • 9
    The Old Meeting House opposite the Baptist Chapel
    Learn how the Baptists have played their part in the history of Quorn.
  • 10
    Opposite the Baptist graveyard, by the bus stop
    Find out the poignant story behind a WW2 gravestone.
  • 11
    Opposite Chaveney Manor
    Find out how Chaveney Road got its name and how the railway affected its development.


5 out of 5 stars
8 reviews
Mick Cripps

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5 out of 5 stars

Thanks Sue, we live at No5 and loved your insight.

Dennis Marchant
26 Feb 2020
5 out of 5 stars

I really enjoyed this walk. It brought to life a village street that most people just drive through.

Elliott Hill
25 Feb 2020
5 out of 5 stars

Tom Durrant
13 Oct 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Jan Niyazi
14 Sep 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Sam Chapman

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5 out of 5 stars

Superb and fascinating tour that transported me back in time:)))

Byron Chatburn
19 Aug 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Gemma Bartlett
16 Aug 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Great tour! Really nice, clear commentary and subtle audio background made for easy listening. Interesting to find out more about Meeting Street, it’s great to have the opportunity to take time out and find out more! Thanks for making the tour.

Ashley Bartlett
16 Aug 2018
5 out of 5 stars

A really worthwhile extension to the History of Quorn. Fascinating social history embedded and great examples of change over time in the village

Quorn - Exploring Meeting Street of Yesterday

5 out of 5 stars