Oxford University: Tour with a Former Student

5 out of 5 stars


27 mins

0.8 km

By Brian Cookson

Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world, founded in the 12th century. After disputes between students and Oxford townsfolk in 1209, some academics fled north-east to Cambridge where they established what became the University of Cambridge. The two "ancient universities" are frequently jointly referred to as “Oxbridge". The university is now made up 38 colleges and a full range of academic departments. Being a city university, it does not have a main campus and instead its buildings and facilities are scattered throughout the city centre and we will see historic buildings dating from the 13th to 19th centuries on our walk. We will also learn about Oxford’s amazing history and meet some of the famous people who were students here.

10 stops

27 mins

0.8 km



  • 1
    Ashmolean Museum
    The Ashmolean was the world's first university museum, founded in 1678–83.
  • 2
    Martyr’s Memorial
    The Martyr’s Memorial was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1838.
  • 3
    Memorial Cross
    The Memorial Cross in the road marks the actual site of the martyrdom.
  • 4
    Balliol College
    Balliol College, one of Oxford’s oldest colleges, was founded in 1263.
  • 5
    The Sheldonian
    The Sheldonian Theatre, constructed in 1669, is the ceremonial hall of the University of Oxford.
  • 6
    Bodleian Library
    The Bodleian, founded in 1602, is one of the oldest libraries in Europe.
  • 7
    Radcliffe Camera
    The Radcliffe Camera was designed by James Gibbs in neo-classical style and built in 1737–49.
  • 8
    All Souls College
    All Souls College was founded in 1438 by King Henry VI. It only admits post graduates as members.
  • 9
    St Mary the Virgin
    St Mary the Virgin was the first building of Oxford University and the seat of university govt.
  • 10
    The High Street
    The High Street has been described by Nikolaus Pevsner as "one of the world's great streets".


5 out of 5 stars
4 reviews
09 Mar 2024
4 out of 5 stars

Itamar Ben David
20 Apr 2020
5 out of 5 stars

Never thought I’ll visit Oxford it was so sweet! Lovely voice music and narration- really got me into the atmosphere. Thanks!

Batuhan Demirtaş
29 Jul 2019
5 out of 5 stars

Amazing experience. Thank you very much

Mario Borza
14 Sep 2018
5 out of 5 stars

It was such a pleasure to be guided around Oxford University and to listen to some unique stories of an Oxford alumni. Great experience! 👏

Jan Niyazi
14 Sep 2018
5 out of 5 stars

Oxford University: Tour with a Former Student

5 out of 5 stars