Crocus Place

0 out of 5 stars


4 mins

0.2 km

By Invest In Nottingham

Welcome to Nottingham Southside, home of the forthcoming Crocus Place, a 7-storey Grade A office scheme for over 1,000 workers. Crocus Place is a key element to the wider regeneration of Nottinham’s Southside area, which is undergoing a major £2 billion development transformation.

4 stops

4 mins

0.2 km

Crocus Place



  • 1
    Crocus Place - View 1
    Crocus Place provides prime office space, offering floorplates of up to 20,000 square feet.
  • 2
    Crocus Place - View 2
    The scheme will use solar panels, air source heat pumps and electric car charging points.
  • 3
    Nottingham Southside Regeneration
    The Nottingham Southside area is undergoing a major £2 billion development transformation.
  • 4
    Nottingham Train Station
    Crocus Place is next to a tram station and Nottingham train station.


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