Battle of Culloden: The Jacobites’ Last Stand

0 out of 5 stars


30 mins

1.1 km

By National Trust for Scotland

Picture this: It’s a cold, wet dawn on April 16th 1746. You’re one of 5,500 men who are lined up on Culloden Moor as part of the Jacobite forces. Your army is led by Charles Edward Stuart. You’re about to charge well-fed, well-trained soldiers, loyal to King George II and led by his son, William Augustus, the Duke of Cumberland. The outcome of this battle will impact not only Scotland, but the rest of Britain. And, in time, the whole of the world. How did we get here? Let’s find out... If you enjoyed this Virtual Visit, please make a donation to Culloden’s Fighting Fund at This will help us work towards protecting the battlefield for future generations.

10 stops

30 mins

1.1 km





National Trust for Scotland

  • 1
    Battle of Culloden – an introduction
  • 2
    1688 – King James II is deposed
  • 3
    The 1745 Jacobite rising begins
  • 4
    The Jacobites retreat to Scotland
  • 5
    1746 – The Battle of Culloden
  • 6
    The memorial cairn
  • 7
    Jacobite grave markers
  • 8
    British Army grave marker
  • 9
    Battlefield excavations
  • 10
    Leanach Cottage – the field hospital


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Battle of Culloden: The Jacobites’ Last Stand

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